With me updating my website, transferring information from one online world to another, I wanted to make sure some of my older blog posts still had life. Thus, I am beginning this new site by adding a handful of my older posts, so that they will rest here for people to peruse.

2008 Festival of 24 Things

A friend was putting on a show of photography where everyone was given a list of twenty-four words, and they needed to submit twenty-four images, one for each word. She also decided to add a bonus list of twelve tougher words. A few days before the show, she had very few takers for the second list, and asked if I would be interested in contributing. I agreed, and these are the images I created in about two and a half days.

1) perspicacity

2) lugubrious

3) salacious

4) bricolage

5) sycophantic

6) defenestrate

7) metasystem

8) rapprochement

9) opportune

10) impassive

11) soporific

12) reticent